By Nate Thayer. June 24, 2013. It is a journalists worst nightmare. Tricked by international spies into boarding an eleven and one half hour booze-less flight the wrong halfway across the planet to an isolated communist island while the man you are trailing gives you the … Irish Blog: NSA SPY SCANDAL - Video Interview Edward Snowden NSA SPY SCANDAL - Video Interview Edward Snowden June 10, 2013 "Information Clearing House The NSA Spy Scandal For Dummies, Via The Guardian The NSA Spy Scandal For Dummies, Via The Guardian Frustrated trying to untangle the implications of the NSA’s spying program? A new project by the Guardian effectively explains to readers how a U.S. Spy Scandal Triggers Outrage, Paranoia in Germany

This, as security expert Bruce Schneier has noted, suggests the Bush Administration has developed a "a whole new surveillance paradigm" - exploiting the NSA's well known capabilities to spy on individuals not one at a time, as FISA permits, but to run communications en masse through computers in the search for suspicious individuals or patterns.

Dec 19, 2005

2013 NSA Surveillance Scandal | Know Your Meme

Oct 30, 2013 NSA Surveillance | American Civil Liberties Union The National Security Agency’s mass surveillance has greatly expanded in the years since September 11, 2001. Disclosures have shown that, until recently, the government regularly tracked the calls of hundreds of millions of Americans. Today, it continues to spy on a vast but unknown number of Americans’ international calls, text messages, web-browsing activities, and emails.The government