Servers: School's initials, purpose, number - if required e.g. our file servers go along the lines of ABCFS01 Workstations: Room Number, Computer Number/Teacher e.g. 01-01/01-TEACHER For our admin people it's either the same as their username or a relevant department/title name & number - if required

This is a good naming convention. I knew what it was and where it was and what its main purpose in life was without even reading your breakdown. I wish everyone would use this. I took over an account once where all of the servers where named after Sesame Street characters. It was cute, but completely useless. In order to vote, comment or post rants, you need to confirm your email address. You should have received a welcome email with a confirm link when you signed up. Mar 12, 2002 · Some random reader sent in: "Hi, I'm wondering what others out there use for server naming conventions. Our data centre right now houses a little under 200 servers, with plans to grow up to 4000 servers within the next five years. We'd like to pick something flexible and easy to manage with any tra Servers: School's initials, purpose, number - if required e.g. our file servers go along the lines of ABCFS01 Workstations: Room Number, Computer Number/Teacher e.g. 01-01/01-TEACHER For our admin people it's either the same as their username or a relevant department/title name & number - if required Hierarchical naming for servers and users. Hierarchical naming is the cornerstone of IBM® Domino® security; therefore planning it is a critical task. Hierarchical names provide unique identifiers for servers and users in a company.

Dear All, I want to know how are the NAming conventions of HP Servers given. Ex : RP3440 What does each No denotes. Thanks in Advance Abhijit.

Our Naming Policy rules apply to all player-made names in-game, including characters, guilds, and pets. Character Naming Rules. When choosing a character name: The name must be between 2-12 characters long. Accented characters are supported. Numbers and symbols are not supported. Mixed capitals and spaces are not supported.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you're free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details.

We began by naming our servers with a particular theme (books of the Bible), but as our IT team (and the number of servers) grew and became more specialized - and as we had more staff turnover, we discovered that any naming system that didn't somehow relate to the function (or location) of the server became confusing.